Hwang Woo-yea is a Korean jurist, politician, and the chairman of the Saenuri Party. As of 2012 Hwang represents the electorate centered on Yeonsu District, Incheon in the National Assembly of South Korea.
1992-1993 Chief Presiding Judge, Seoul District Civil Court
1993-1996 Commissioner, Board of Audit and Inspection Member, Anti-Corruption Committee, Board of Audit and Inspection
1996-present 15-19th Member, National Assembly of Korea (5-term)
1998-Present Chairman, National Assembly Human Rights Forum
2003-Present Co-Chairman, International Parliamentarian's Coalition for North Korean Refugees and Human Rights (IPCNKR)
2004-2006 Chairman, Education Committee of the National Assembly
2006 Secretary-General, The Grand National Party
2008-2014 President, National Assembly Prayer Breakfast
2008-2014 President, Korea Youth Association
2008-Present Chairman, International Parliamentarians’ Coalition for Asian Human Rights
2009-2010 Chairman, Ad hoc Committee of Party Constitution and Regulation Revision, The Grand National Party
2010-2012 Chairman, Special Committee on Support for Hosting International Sports Event
2010-2013 President, Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Conference on Environment and Development
2011.5-2011.7 Acting Chairman, The Saenuri Party
2012.5-2014.5 Chairman, The Saenuri Party
2014-Present Minister of Education