Governing Peaceful Energy for Global Prosperity
The pressing need for reliable, affordable, and secure clean energy is only growing as governments face an impending global energy crisis accelerated by climate change and conflict while populations and economies continue to grow. Global energy demand is set to increase nearly 30% by 2030, according to estimates, yet fossil fuels dominate energy production and consumption. Reliable and renewable sources of energy are needed for the global energy transition, which will benefit from technological innovation. To deliver net-zero growth and sustainability, all available clean energy sources must be harnessed. In this session, panelists will discuss the potential of nuclear energy in accelerating the clean energy transition.

H.E. William D. Magwood IV
Director General of Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

H.E. Mariam Al Mheiri
Minister of Climate Change and Environment of United Arab Emirates

H.E. Mohamed Al Hammadi
Chief Executive Officer, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation