The Rise of Africa: Strategies and Dynamics
Africa is reclaiming its narrative as its economies unite for a prosperous future. The landmark African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is the largest free trade agreement of its kind, connecting the continent to realize Agenda 2063’s vision of an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa. Marking one year since free trade officially commenced under AfCFTA, and one year before Agenda 2063’s first 10-year milestone, leaders in today’s session will reflect on the rise of Africa as the future’s global trade, investment, and innovation hub. As well as, indicate the continent’s priorities for the next 10 years.

H.E. Philip Isdor
Vice President of Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

Robinah Nabbanja
Prime Minister of Government of the Republic of Uganda

H.E. Mohamed Béavogui
Prime Minister of Government of Guinea of Government of the Republic of Guinea