
A Ticking Clock: Technological Development and Regulation


The evolution of technology has concreted its status as an epoch-defining breakthrough of  civilization however, the pace of technological development has exceeded our human capacity for  swift adaptation. Are governments equipped with the tools and knowledge to mitigate  unprecedented technological advancements? Through a facilitated discussion, this session gathers leading field experts and government officials  to discuss the dilemma at hand, explore opportunities for collaboration, and provide innovative  solutions in shaping the future of technology and policy recommendations.  


H.E. Florian Tursky
H.E. Florian Tursky
State Secretary for Digitalization, Government of the Republic of Austria
Masood M. Sharif Mahmood
Masood M. Sharif Mahmood
Chief Executive Officer, e&
John Ferguson
John Ferguson
Head of Globalisation, Trade and Finance Practice, Economist Impact
2.1 RTA Hall
February 12, 2024 - 11:20 - 11:45
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