Social Prosperity and Technophobia: Can Governments Succeed?
In the era of modernity, the prevalent concept of assimilation within the social sciences has taken on a new dimension as humanity grapples with a technologically-driven phenomenon. While digital assimilation elevates our quality of living, a critical question emerges: to what extent may the challenge escalate if tangible manifestations of social cohesion begin to wane? This session sheds light on the misunderstood interplay between the tangible fabric of social cohesion and the intangible landscape of techno-assimilation in an assortment of world regions.

Mike Sicilia
Executive Vice President, Oracle

George Lee
Head of the Office of Applied Innovation, Goldman Sachs

John Ferguson
Head of Globalisation, Trade and Finance Practice, Economist Impact

H.E. Giedre Balcytyte
Chancellor, Government of the Republic of Lithuania