
The Cause and Effect of a Breakthrough: A Conversation with Nobel Laureates


Breakthroughs are pivotal moments in human history, catalyzing advancements that redefine the  status quo. Yet, one could only question: what are the intricacies of a breakthrough? This session aims to explore the dynamics surrounding breakthroughs how they are sparked and  the profound effects they have on societies, industries, and individuals, providing insights into  fostering environments conducive to innovation and understanding the transformative power of  groundbreaking discoveries.


Prof. Michael Levitt
Prof. Michael Levitt
Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry 2013
Richard Roberts
Richard Roberts
Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1993
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin
Host, Euronews
2.4 ATRC Hall
February 13, 2024 - 11:30 - 11:50
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