H.E. Dr. Ashraf Sobhy
Ashraf Sobhy is the current Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports, and a professor of Sports Department at Helwan University.
World Government Summit 2023
09:55 - 10:00TDRA Hall'23Arab Meeting for Young Leaders
A Regional Perspective on the Arab Narrative
H.E. Dr. Ashraf SobhyHead of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Minister, Minister of Youth and Sports, Arab Republic of Egypt
16:30 - 17:00TDRA Hall'23SDGs in Action'23
Harnessing the Power of Youth: Accelerating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
H.E. Noor AlKhulaifMinistry Of Sustainable Development - BahrainH.E. Dr. Ashraf SobhyHead of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Minister, Minister of Youth and Sports, Arab Republic of EgyptAbdullah LootahDeputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs for Competitiveness and Experience Exchange, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs