Thomas Anglero
Thomas Anglero has led a remarkable career that has seen him launch two start-ups, author a book, coach a championship basketball team, and become an executive at a global technology company. His wealth of expertise and inspiring personal journey has led him to become a renowned public speaker who motivates, energizes, and connects with audiences.
World Government Summit 2023
13 Feb 17:10 - 17:50Policy HallExperience Exchange Forum
Value-driven Organizations: Disrupted Business Models (Invitation Only)
H.E. Ulvi MehdiyevState Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations Under the President - AzerbaijanSophie HackfordMember, Global Technology Innovation Advisory Council, John DeereThomas AngleroChief Technology Officer and Innovation OfficerMarta TomovskaDirector Team for Digital Transformation Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Serbia